This is the latest news and information for workers and managers from across the Web universe, brought to you by Monday Morning Manager writer Harvey Schachter. Follow us on Twitter @Globe_Careers or join our Linked In group.

Treat the delegation of responsibility as an investment, consultant Kevin Eikenberry advises. Sure, it may take longer to teach a subordinate how to do something than to do it yourself. But that's only the first time. In the long run, it pays off. Leadership and Learning blog

Grease the wheels with e-mail

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Entrepreneur Sarah Kathleen Peck suggests sending e-mails when you don't need something, not only when you do. Checking in with people and saying a few kind words builds relationships. It makes sense to do so systematically, as does her friend who sends five such notes every Sunday night. Brazen Careerist

MBAs prefer alliances, lawyers like control

Richard Ivey School of Business Professor Brian Pinkham's study of foreign investment decisions found that CEOs with MBAs tend to prefer joint ventures and strategic alliances when they go abroad, while CEOs with law degrees prefer acquisitions. He suspects that because legal training is adversarial, they prefer contracts to handshakes. Ivey Impact

Know when to throw in the towel

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Motivational speakers hector us to never give up. But consultant Donald Cooper says wisdom is knowing when to give up and move on. Learn when to abandon a bad idea, outdated business model, lousy location, mediocre product, or toxic employee, and reinvent yourself or your business. Donald Cooper Corporation Newsletter

Automate boilerplate with shortcuts

Digital media consultant Anand Srinivasan says Phrase Express can cut down on repetitive typing by creating texts for common elements in your e-mails, from giving your name to handling routine requests such as explaining what your firm does. Dumb Little Man Blog

Harvey Schachter is a Battersea, Ont.-based writer specializing in management issues. He writes Monday Morning Manager and management book reviews for the print edition of Report on Business and an online work-life column Balance. E-mail Harvey Schachter