Whether or not you want to believe it, a powerful force is at work in your life. It's called the Law of Attraction, and it's attracting people, opportunities, situations and relationships. Unfortunately not all of them are good.

Before you stop reading this and dismiss it as some New Age "woo woo" cult, I promise to give you practical strategies you can implement without chanting or tambourines.

Here's the crash course.

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Everything around you – including you – is energy. Your feelings and moods give off a "vibe" or vibration and you attract people and situations that match this vibe. If, for example, you're worried, anxious and stressed out about your finances, your "negative" vibe will cause you to continue to attract more struggles with your finances. Do I have your attention now?

Whatever you give your attention, energy and focus is what you attract to your life, negative or positive. A lot of people simply aren't aware that they're being negative. So they remain stuck in a vicious cycle, thinking they have no control of their circumstances. There are many things in our lives we can't control, but we always have a choice on how we respond, act and feel.

Here are five strategies to help you shift from negative thinking to positive results:

1. Tell the truth. It's time to face the music and be honest with yourself. Look at the major areas in your life – family, social, finances, career, environment, health, spirituality – and see where you're feeling unhappy, unfulfilled, stressed out, or anxious. Give each area a rating between one and 10, with 10 being incredible and one being an absolute misery. Once you have your scores, pay attention to the one with the lowest number. This is the area causing you the most stress and that is negatively affecting all other parts of your life.

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2. Check in. Your feelings matter and they are extremely powerful. As I mentioned above, they give off a vibe that is matched, and the results you attract back are a direct reflection on what you project. If you're feeling sad, angry and jealous or any other kind of negative emotion, you're going to continue to attract people and situations that match those feelings.

3. Make shift happen. Now that you're aware of your feelings, it's time to shift them by developing a new way of thinking. Start by changing the negative words you use and reframing your negative thoughts to be more positive. It also means taking action and moving toward people and situations that make you feel happy, supported and joyful.

4. Get clear. Many people walk around and complain about what they don't want or like. Guess why they're miserable? Instead, ask yourself: "What do I want or like? How would I rather it be?" Asking these empowering questions allows you to find solutions and keeps you positively moving forward toward your goals.

5. Allow good things in. This is where many people drop the ball. They know what they want to achieve but stop themselves from going all the way because of their limiting beliefs, fears or doubts. It's kind of like ordering a pizza but refusing to open the door when it arrives. When you uncover and clear the blocks that hold you back, you open your receiving valve, allowing positive results to flow in.

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And now, an action challenge. Catch yourself in the act of being negative. Write down the negative words or thoughts you say or think. Reframe them by asking yourself: "What do I want instead?"

Taking action will help you recondition your mind. By focusing on what you want, you send out a positive vibe that sets you up to consistently attract positive results.

Carly Cooper is a trainer and speaker and the author of Balance the Mother Load: REINVENT Your Life in Just 8 Weeks. She teaches entrepreneurs and small business owners how to shift their mindsets and consistently attract positive results in their businesses and their lives.

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