It's a top-of-mind question for many: "How can my business take advantage of the myriad of digital marketing and advertising opportunities available today?"

There are numerous advantages to using video in presentations, regardless of who you are or what you're talking about. Here are some things to consider:

Video commands attention

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If you're doing Powerpoint-type presentations, moving pictures are usually better than static ones. Embedding video into your slides will have more impact. Why? A recent Forrester study concluded that if a picture is worth 1,000 words, a one-minute video is worth 1.8 million words. Using video at the start of, and throughout, a presentation is often the perfect way to grab and keep the audience's attention and to ensure everyone is invested in what you're saying.

Video engages

Video can be used in presentations to introduce each main topic or talking point, to showcase case studies or to illustrate examples of the topic at hand. It provides an opportunity to use dynamic storytelling in a way that couldn't be done in a speech, or by showing a graphic or text on a static screen. Video is also great for generating conversation, and upping the interactivity level.

It doesn't always have to be about you

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One approach to try falls under the term "brand journalism," which describes telling stories your audience is interested in, but not necessarily directly about your business. For example, you could interview experts for a video series about relevant or related topics. This gives your audience has an opportunity to hear from others about the subject at hand, which further supports your key messages.

Some quick tips to keep in mind:

Make it relevant

Don't just use video for the sake of using video. Make sure it's part of your overall messaging and supports the story and flow of your presentation.

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Smart storytelling

Make sure you plan and strategize the messaging you want each video to contain, and that you then brainstorm a number of ideas on how to best creatively tell that story. Injecting some humour or other form of emotional pull also works well.

Quality is key

If you are presenting as a professional in your field, the quality of the videos should reflect that position. Lack of quality affects credibility.

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Keep it flowing

Even if your presentation is an hour or more in length, it's better to break up the videos you use into shorter, more easily digestible segments, rather than running one or two super long clips. This helps keep the audience engaged and looking forward to what's next.

Regardless of the story you're telling or selling, video can help support and reinforce a presentation, ensuring it resonates with your audience. Pressing play just might be the pivotal element that takes your talks to fab from drab.

Lisa Ostrikoff is a TV journalist and anchor-turned-creator of BizBOXTV, a Canadian online video production, advertising and social media marketing agency. You can find her on Twitter and Facebook.

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