Job seeker

John Dickson,

50, Ajax, Ont.

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Old reality: Operations manager, consumer packaging firm, earning about $100,000 with bonuses and perks. Downsized in December.

New reality: Hoping to use accounting background to work as a financial adviser. Willing to settle for $80,000.

Observations: "A lot of employees in my [former]sector have been forced to take a 10-per-cent reduction. ...I'd hope flexible hours, working from home and benefits would make up for [a lower salary]"

Advice to employees

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Readjust: Don't dwell on what you might have earned last year or at your last job.

Stand down: Now is not a tough time to aggressively negotiate. If the job feels right, take it, perform well and hope for increases in better times.

Research: Find out the going rates for your job in your industry.

Salary isn't everything: Other perks might make up for lower pay.

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Advice to employers

be competitive: Research typical salaries for your industry

Pay for performance: Pay for a job well done, rather than across-the-board salary increases. It's a more cost-effective way to keep staff motivated.

Reward in other ways:Look for non-monetary ways to entice people, such as the possibility of promotions, training or flexible work environments.

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By the numbers


Salary expected by almost half of Canadian MBA job seekers online


Average expectation two years ago

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$26,000-$35,000 (U.S.)

Range U.S. grads expect for starting salaries

$36,000-$45,000 (U.S.)

Range grads expected last year

Sources: Maggie Austring, president of, June data; Experience Inc.'s annual jobs survey, May.