Veteran Edmonton Oilers netminder Nikolai Khabibulin will be spending some time in jail in the near future.

The goaltender had been appealing a guilty verdict of extreme driving under the influence and speeding related to an incident in Arizona in February of 2010, but Khabibulin's agent confirmed reports that the appeal has been dropped.

iNews880 reported this afternoon that Khabibulin will now "spend 15 days in jail, with the other 15 days to be served at home with an electronic monitoring device."

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He orginally received the 30-day jail sentence last August but played for the Oilers last season while awaiting the appeal. It's likely Khabibulin will be able to serve the time before NHL training camps open on Sept. 16.

"The length of this process has placed my attendance at training camp in serious jeopardy," Khabibulin said in a statement posted by the Arizona Republic's Sarah McLellan. "Despite assurances by legal counsel regarding the strength of my appeals case, I have decided to withdraw my appeal and proceed with sentencing.

"Once completed, I eagerly anticipate a timely return to Edmonton for training camp, where I will strive to be the best player, teammate and citizen possible."

Early indications are that Khabibulin will not face a suspension from his team or the league.

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"The Oilers respectfully accept the court's order and expect Nikolai to fulfill all of his required obligations prior to training camp," Oilers GM Steve Tambellini said.

Khabibulin was originally pulled over by a police officer in the wee hours of Feb. 8, 2010, in Scottsdale, Ariz. Driving a black Ferrari, he was going 70 miles an hour (112 kilometres an hour) in a 45-mph zone, according to the officer's testimony.

His blood alcohol level (.164) was more than twice Arizona's legal limit of .08.

As part of his sentence, Khabibulin was also ordered to pay a $5,100 fine and undergo alcohol counselling. He has two years remaining on a four-year deal that pays him $3.75-million a season.