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  • Available at: App stores
  • Price: Free for iPhones and android phones. Premium edition is $1.99

Finding parking spaces in new locations can be a hair-pulling experience. There is a new app however that might just put that coveted parking spot as close as your fingertips.

Out of frustration of playing parking space roulette while looping around San Francisco, Eugene Tsyrklevich came up with Parkopedia – the encyclopedia for parking. In 2009, it was launched and today the app and website currently lists more than 38 million parking spots in more than 6,000 cities in 53 countries. And, with the help of users, more sites are added and rated.

Load an address onto Parkopedia's website or the app and it will show you up to 50 parkades, lots, street or (rentable) private parking spots. In Calgary, available parking spots in some lots are listed too. That feature will soon improve in other cities.

Touch the smartphone screen to see hourly rates, opening hours, how many spaces the lot offers and even a photo of the lot. The premium edition supplies more information and lets you filter by many features including payment options and electric car charging stations.

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