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Is your financial plan right on track? Your student debt is long gone, your mortgage is shrinking quickly and your nest egg is growing nicely, right? Of course not!

So come get some FREE advice from The Globe and Mail about your unique financial situation and send in your request to be part of our Financial Facelift series. (Did we say it's FREE?)

You can even choose your own false name. Better yet, you get to work with our photographers to obscure your identity in one of our trademark Financial Facelift photos.

We want people of all ages, stripes and financial situations to benefit from our FREE financial advice.

We're especially keen to hear from the young, the struggling, the self-employed, artists, painters, poets, freelancers, contract workers and small business owners. So if you want to take part and learn how to make sure your financial future is secure, send a short e-mail detailing your situation to

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