My partner and I got sick the morning after eating dinner at his colleague's house. We both had the runs and I threw up twice. And when either of us thinks about chicken Marbella now we both feel nauseated. Should we have called the host to let her know?

I should begin by pointing out that I completely sympathize with your discomfort: Thinking about chicken Marbella makes me feel nauseated, too.

But it sounds like in this case you might - emphasis on the might - have contracted food poisoning from it as well. It could also have been the flu, or the all-you-can-eat sushi you had for lunch. Without a lab test of the chicken, you're never going to know for sure. So unless you became seriously ill, you were right to not call the host.

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The host, on the other hand, owed her guests a call if she became sick and suspected her cooking was the cause. That, and a promise to update her repertoire by about 25 years.

Chris Nuttall-Smith is a food writer and restaurant columnist. Have an entertaining dilemma? E-mail