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Manitoba Premier Heather Stefanson speaks at the convention centre in Winnipeg on April 15.JOHN WOODS/The Canadian Press

The Manitoba government is promising what it calls the biggest health-care capital investment in the province’s history.

Premier Heather Stefanson says the province will spend $1.5-billion over six years on the Health Sciences Centre in Winnipeg.

She says the money will pay to replace a 70-year-old building and add a 10-storey tower with new patient rooms and health services.

The announcement is the latest in a flurry of government promises leading up to the election scheduled for Oct 3.

The governing Progressive Conservatives have been trailing in opinion polls since the COVID-19 pandemic strained hospitals.

The Opposition New Democrats say wait times have increased under the Tories, who downgraded three emergency departments at Winnipeg hospitals after taking office in 2016.

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