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Police say the primary suspect in the killing of an alleged war criminal in London, Ont., last month has been arrested.

London police say 22-year-old Keiron Gregory was arrested Wednesday on a charge of second-degree murder in the killing of Bill Horrace.

Police say Gregory was apprehended in North Bay along with two other individuals, but those two were released without charges.

A number of other alleged accomplices were also arrested last week, including two 22-year-old women from Toronto who were charged with accessory following an assault with a weapon.

Trevor Gregory, the father of Keiron and a Toronto police officer, was arrested on July 7 and charged with breach of trust.

Investigators allege that four people broke into Mr. Horrace’s home in London on June 21, fatally shooting him in front of his family.

Police have said they do not believe the killing was related to the alleged war crimes Mr. Horrace is accused of committing in Liberia.

Mr. Horrace filed a refugee claim in Canada in 2002 and admitted he was part of Liberian President Charles Taylor’s army as a chaplain.

Mr. Taylor is now serving a 50-year sentence for committing war crimes in neighbouring Sierra Leone.

Mr. Horrace had engaged in a nearly two decade-long battle with the Canadian government to become a permanent resident, according to Federal Court documents.

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