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Hundreds of youth and young adults gathered in the area of South Delta Secondary School and Dennison Park, in Delta, B.C., on Oct. 31.Delta Police

One teenager is recovering from burns and several others, including two police officers, were hurt during Halloween night mayhem in Delta, B.C.

A statement from Delta police says as many as 400 people gathered at South Delta Secondary School and a neighbouring park in what they describe as a “deliberate attempt to damage property, cause disruption, and impact public safety.”

The statement says several assaults occurred over the four hour disturbance and fireworks were deliberately aimed at youth, bystanders and first responders.

The injured teen suffered burns to her arm and shoulder when her jacket was set ablaze, the two officers received minor injuries and firefighters had to douse several bush and dumpster fires.

Police are working with the Delta School District and City of Delta to investigate and identify participants, including the person who aimed the firework at the injured girl.

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