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Shauna Ritter’s Grade 5 class at Dr. J. Edgar Davey Elementary School.

One morning last November, Shauna Ritter's Grade 5 class at Dr. J. Edgar Davey Elementary School prepared for a surgery taking place 85 kilometres away. Settled into their seats, they followed along as Sunnybrook live-tweeted a minimally invasive colon cancer surgery – all to raise awareness about colon cancer prevention and screening. Shauna seized the chance to take her students' learning to new heights and led the class in a Skype chat with surgical oncologist Dr. Shady Ashamalla after the procedure. Here are some of the things they learned.

The most challenging surgeries are
the ones that the cancer has stuck to
other organs in their body cuz it’s
hard to take it all out."


I found out you can take out
part of your large intestine
and still be alive."


I learned that colon cancer
can be caused by cells that
don’t work properly."

Ar Dah & Rebecca

We learned that the
large intestine can be removed
and reattached to the
small intestine."

Yuusuf & Mumijah

We learned what the colon is.
It is a part of your large intestine
and your colon is on the
right side of your body."

Mya & Tristan

It takes 26 years
from Grade 5 to
become a surgeon."

Mirela & Leonita

This content was produced by The Globe and Mail's advertising department, in consultation with Sunnybrook. The Globe's editorial department was not involved in its creation.

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