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Sitting in the Second Cup, spiky-haired violinist and composer Chris Church is waxing poetic about his favourite tea.

"I just love this tea," says Mr. Church, 33. (It's Moroccan mint, in case you were curious.) "It's the best. I always have it after yoga."

He pauses, then buries his face in his hands. "Oh god, I just sound like a big artsy fartsy."

A Halifax native who now makes Queen West his home, Church has been too busy touring around the world -- most recently with local guitarist Jesse Cook -- to find a nice Toronto girl to call his own, but his mother would like him to please hurry up.

So what's he looking for?

"Someone funny, self-assured, beautiful to me, compassionate," he lists. "And good in the sack."

"Wait, how about 'feisty'? Say that instead of 'good in the sack.' And I'm kind of done with crazy. I don't want to fix the broken wing any more. That's for guys in their twenties."

And no, he never plays his violin in an effort to charm the babes except for maybe a couple of times when he was really drunk.

As for his hobbies, he lists yoga, running, socializing, drinking and -- wait for it -- babysitting.

"I'm from a small town and it reminds me of home," he admits sheepishly of his penance for watching over his friends' kids and his nieces.

He even has a nickname.

"They call me Uncle Stinky. But I'm okay with that."


To get in touch with Mr. Church, e-mail .

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