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Dr. Brent Roussin, chief provincial public health officer, prepares the COVID-19 vaccination at the convention centre in Winnipeg on April 8.JOHN WOODS/The Canadian Press

The University of Winnipeg, the University of Manitoba and Red River College say they are making COVID-19 vaccination a requirement for people to come back to campuses for the fall term this September.

The University of Winnipeg says in a news release that a recent survey of its staff and students shows about 80 per cent of faculty and 72 per cent of students who participated support a vaccination mandate.

The University of Manitoba says it will work with people who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons and those who request a compromise on other grounds.

Red River College says anyone returning to campus must have a first dose by Sept. 10 and a second dose by Oct. 17.

Brandon University didn’t go so far as to mandate vaccines, but say they expect most students, faculty and staff to be fully vaccinated.

Universities in Ontario and Saskatchewan have also announced vaccination mandates.

This content appears as provided to The Globe by the originating wire service. It has not been edited by Globe staff.

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