Good evening, these are the top coronavirus headlines tonight:

Top headlines:

In the past seven days, there were 428 deaths from COVID-19 nationally, up 2 per cent over the same period. At least 6,171 people are being treated in hospitals and 431 are in the ICU.

Canada’s inoculation rate is 9th among countries with a population of one million or more people.

Sources: Canada data is compiled from government websites, Johns Hopkins and COVID-19 Canada Open Data Working Group; international data is from Johns Hopkins University.

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Coronavirus explainers: Coronavirus in maps and chartsTracking vaccine doses

COVID-19 updates from Canada and the world

Pandemic recovery

Globe opinion

Information centre

• Everything you need to know about Canada’s travel rules for vaccinated and unvaccinated people

When will COVID-19 be endemic? The four factors that will shape the virus’s future

Wastewater is filling the COVID-19 data gap

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