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Australian Dollar(A6Q23)

Today's Change
Delayed Last Update

Price Performance

PeriodPeriod LowPeriod HighPerformance
1-Month 0.64545 +0.37% increase
on 08/14/23
Period Open:0.68465
Price movement based on the high, low and last over the given period.
0.68515 -5.44% decrease
on 07/20/23
-0.03680 (-5.38%) decrease
since 07/14/23
3-Month 0.64545 +0.37% increase
on 08/14/23
Period Open:0.66635
Price movement based on the high, low and last over the given period.
0.69095 -6.24% decrease
on 06/16/23
-0.01850 (-2.78%) decrease
since 05/12/23
52-Week 0.64545 +0.37% increase
on 08/14/23
Period Open:0.67345
Price movement based on the high, low and last over the given period.
0.69095 -6.24% decrease
on 06/16/23
-0.02560 (-3.80%) decrease
since 04/17/23

Detailed Quote - Past 5 Days

dateopenhighlowlastchange% changevolume
08/14/23 0.64910 0.65025 0.64545 0.64785 -0.00145 -0.22% 40
08/11/23 0.65125 0.65335 0.64860 0.64930 -0.00445 -0.68% 200
08/10/23 0.65315 0.66160 0.65150 0.65375 -0.00015 -0.02% 218
08/09/23 0.65375 0.65715 0.65215 0.65390 unch unch 116
08/08/23 0.65735 0.65770 0.64985 0.65390 -0.00360 -0.55% 100

Historical Highs and Lows

periodhighlow% change
5-Day0.66160 on 08/10/230.64545 on 08/14/23 -1.47% since 08/07/23
1-Month0.68515 on 07/20/230.64545 on 08/14/23 -5.38% since 07/14/23
3-Month0.69095 on 06/16/230.64545 on 08/14/23 -2.78% since 05/12/23
6-Month0.69095 on 06/16/230.64545 on 08/14/23 -3.80% since 04/17/23
12-Month0.69095 on 06/16/230.64545 on 08/14/23 -3.80% since 04/17/23
Year to Date0.69095 on 06/16/230.64545 on 08/14/23 -3.80% since 04/17/23

New Highs and Lows

for the lastpercent frommade new highpercent frommade new low
5-Day-2.08%2 times+0.37%3 times
1-Month-5.44%3 times+0.37%12 times
3-Month-6.24%9 times+0.37%9 times
6-Month-6.24%9 times+0.37%12 times
12-Month-6.24%9 times+0.37%12 times
Year to Date-6.24%9 times+0.37%12 times

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