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Lumber Random Length(LSF19)

Today's Change
Delayed Last Update

Price Performance

PeriodPeriod LowPeriod HighPerformance
1-Month 315.60 +7.73% increase
on 12/18/18
Period Open:321.60
Price movement based on the high, low and last over the given period.
350.00 -2.86% decrease
on 01/15/19
+18.40 (+5.72%) increase
since 12/14/18
3-Month 297.70 +14.21% increase
on 10/25/18
Period Open:325.70
Price movement based on the high, low and last over the given period.
371.30 -8.43% decrease
on 11/15/18
+14.30 (+4.39%) increase
since 10/15/18
52-Week 297.70 +14.21% increase
on 10/25/18
Period Open:425.50
Price movement based on the high, low and last over the given period.
566.10 -39.94% decrease
on 05/18/18
-85.50 (-20.09%) decrease
since 01/12/18

Detailed Quote - Past 5 Days

dateopenhighlowlastchange% changevolume
01/15/19 335.00 350.00 332.00 340.00 +15.00 +4.62% 17
01/14/19 327.00 330.00 321.90 325.00 -3.50 -1.07% 67
01/11/19 324.20 330.40 324.20 328.50 -1.50 -0.45% 128
01/10/19 324.40 335.40 321.90 330.00 +5.50 +1.69% 115
01/09/19 331.00 334.20 322.60 324.50 -2.00 -0.61% 107

Historical Highs and Lows

periodhighlow% change
5-Day350.00 on 01/15/19321.90 on 01/14/19 +4.13% since 01/08/19
1-Month350.00 on 01/15/19315.60 on 12/18/18 +5.72% since 12/14/18
3-Month371.30 on 11/15/18297.70 on 10/25/18 +4.39% since 10/15/18
6-Month475.80 on 07/16/18297.70 on 10/25/18 -27.52% since 07/13/18
12-Month566.10 on 05/18/18297.70 on 10/25/18 -20.09% since 01/12/18
Year to Date350.00 on 01/15/19321.30 on 01/08/19 +2.26% since 12/31/18

New Highs and Lows

for the lastpercent frommade new highpercent frommade new low
5-Day-2.86%3 times+5.62%3 times
1-Month-2.86%3 times+7.73%2 times
3-Month-8.43%5 times+14.21%7 times
6-Month-28.54%1 time+14.21%24 times
12-Month-39.94%31 times+14.21%22 times
Year to Date-2.86%4 times+5.82%3 times

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