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3-Month Eurodollar(GEM22)

Today's Change
Delayed Last Update

Price Performance

PeriodPeriod LowPeriod HighPerformance
1-Month 98.1550 +0.02% increase
on 06/13/22
Period Open:98.1700
Price movement based on the high, low and last over the given period.
98.2425 -0.07% decrease
on 05/31/22
+0.0011 (unch) increase
since 05/13/22
3-Month 98.0300 +0.14% increase
on 05/04/22
Period Open:98.5800
Price movement based on the high, low and last over the given period.
98.6350 -0.47% decrease
on 03/14/22
-0.4089 (-0.41%) decrease
since 03/11/22
52-Week 98.0300 +0.14% increase
on 05/04/22
Period Open:99.8000
Price movement based on the high, low and last over the given period.
99.8300 -1.66% decrease
on 08/04/21
-1.6289 (-1.63%) decrease
since 06/11/21

Detailed Quote - Past 5 Days

dateopenhighlowlastchange% changevolume
06/13/22 98.1800 98.1825 98.1550 98.1711 -0.0164 -0.02% 48,835
06/10/22 98.2250 98.2300 98.1800 98.1875 -0.0375 -0.04% 295,930
06/09/22 98.2325 98.2350 98.2225 98.2250 -0.0075 -0.01% 158,372
06/08/22 98.2225 98.2350 98.2150 98.2325 +0.0050 +0.01% 115,940
06/07/22 98.2300 98.2325 98.2200 98.2275 -0.0025 unch 104,737

Historical Highs and Lows

periodhighlow% change
5-Day98.2350 on 06/09/2298.1550 on 06/13/22 -0.06% since 06/06/22
1-Month98.2425 on 05/31/2298.1550 on 06/13/22 unch since 05/13/22
3-Month98.6350 on 03/14/2298.0300 on 05/04/22 -0.41% since 03/11/22
6-Month99.5100 on 12/14/2198.0300 on 05/04/22 -1.35% since 12/13/21
12-Month99.8300 on 08/04/2198.0300 on 05/04/22 -1.63% since 06/11/21
Year to Date99.4250 on 01/05/2298.0300 on 05/04/22 -1.24% since 12/31/21

New Highs and Lows

for the lastpercent frommade new highpercent frommade new low
5-Day-0.07%3 times+0.02%4 times
1-Month-0.07%9 times+0.02%2 times
3-Month-0.47%1 time+0.14%15 times
6-Month-1.35%1 time+0.14%42 times
12-Month-1.66%5 times+0.14%58 times
Year to Date-1.26%3 times+0.14%34 times

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