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Hard Red Wheat(KEK22)

Today's Change
Delayed Last Update

Price Performance

PeriodPeriod LowPeriod HighPerformance
1-Month 1079-0 +16.10% increase
on 05/03/22
Period Open:1174-0
Price movement based on the high, low and last over the given period.
1270-0 -1.36% decrease
on 05/13/22
+78-6 (+6.71%) increase
since 04/13/22
3-Month 800-6 +56.45% increase
on 02/15/22
Period Open:827-0
Price movement based on the high, low and last over the given period.
1299-4 -3.60% decrease
on 03/07/22
+425-6 (+51.48%) increase
since 02/11/22
52-Week 608-0 +106.04% increase
on 07/07/21
Period Open:679-0
Price movement based on the high, low and last over the given period.
1299-4 -3.60% decrease
on 03/07/22
+573-6 (+84.50%) increase
since 05/13/21

Detailed Quote - Past 5 Days

dateopenhighlowlastchange% changevolume
05/13/22 1259-0 1270-0 1252-6 1252-6 -1-2 -0.10% 34
05/12/22 1200-0 1254-0 1200-0 1254-0 +67-6 +5.71% 34
05/11/22 1187-2 1191-0 1184-6 1186-2 +18-0 +1.54% 37
05/10/22 1167-0 1168-2 1167-0 1168-2 +15-0 +1.30% 4
05/09/22 0-0 1177-2 1153-2 1153-2 -6-0 -0.52% 11

Historical Highs and Lows

periodhighlow% change
5-Day1270-0 on 05/13/221153-2 on 05/09/22 +8.07% since 05/06/22
1-Month1270-0 on 05/13/221079-0 on 05/03/22 +6.71% since 04/13/22
3-Month1299-4 on 03/07/22800-6 on 02/15/22 +51.48% since 02/11/22
6-Month1299-4 on 03/07/22747-4 on 01/14/22 +50.16% since 11/12/21
12-Month1299-4 on 03/07/22608-0 on 07/07/21 +84.50% since 05/13/21
Year to Date1299-4 on 03/07/22747-4 on 01/14/22 +56.20% since 12/31/21

New Highs and Lows

for the lastpercent frommade new highpercent frommade new low
5-Day-1.36%4 times+8.63%1 time
1-Month-1.36%5 times+16.10%7 times
3-Month-3.60%11 times+56.45%2 times
6-Month-3.60%14 times+67.59%10 times
12-Month-3.60%31 times+106.04%11 times
Year to Date-3.60%13 times+67.59%5 times

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