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Chinese Yuan/Russian Ruble(CNYRUB)

Today's Change
Delayed Last Update

Price Performance

PeriodPeriod LowPeriod HighPerformance
1-Month 12.43390 +2.29% increase
on 05/28/24
Period Open:13.18242
Price movement based on the high, low and last over the given period.
13.25124 -4.02% decrease
on 05/02/24
-0.46346 (-3.52%) decrease
since 04/30/24
3-Month 12.43390 +2.29% increase
on 05/28/24
Period Open:12.85387
Price movement based on the high, low and last over the given period.
13.29187 -4.31% decrease
on 04/17/24
-0.13491 (-1.05%) decrease
since 02/29/24
52-Week 10.82264 +17.52% increase
on 05/31/23
Period Open:11.36660
Price movement based on the high, low and last over the given period.
14.12909 -9.98% decrease
on 10/09/23
+1.35236 (+11.90%) increase
since 05/29/23

Detailed Quote - Past 5 Days

dateopenhighlowlastchange% changevolume
05/31/24 12.69928 12.72999 12.69928 12.71896 +0.02187 +0.17% 440
05/30/24 12.59454 12.69709 12.59372 12.69709 +0.10234 +0.81% 69
05/29/24 12.45125 12.61088 12.45125 12.59475 +0.14408 +1.16% 74
05/28/24 12.48962 12.51551 12.43390 12.45067 -0.03918 -0.31% 332
05/27/24 12.60003 12.60531 12.48985 12.48985 -0.11038 -0.88% 99

Historical Highs and Lows

periodhighlow% change
5-Day12.72999 on 05/31/2412.43390 on 05/28/24 +0.94% since 05/24/24
1-Month13.25124 on 05/02/2412.43390 on 05/28/24 -3.52% since 04/30/24
3-Month13.29187 on 04/17/2412.43390 on 05/28/24 -1.05% since 02/29/24
6-Month13.30092 on 02/23/2412.32650 on 01/15/24 +1.63% since 11/29/23
12-Month14.12909 on 10/09/2310.82264 on 05/31/23 +11.90% since 05/29/23
Year to Date13.30092 on 02/23/2412.32650 on 01/15/24 +0.07% since 12/29/23

New Highs and Lows

for the lastpercent frommade new highpercent frommade new low
5-Day-0.09%4 times+2.29%2 times
1-Month-4.02%2 times+2.29%11 times
3-Month-4.31%13 times+2.29%8 times
6-Month-4.38%8 times+3.18%4 times
12-Month-9.98%35 times+17.52%2 times
Year to Date-4.38%6 times+3.18%7 times

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