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GeoCentric Environmental’s CSM 3D Vis software creates accurate 3D models of mine operation and closure plansSUPPLIED

The management of groundwater has generally been considered a project liability as it relates to site operations and closure planning. Taking a more creative approach to groundwater management can bring “tremendous opportunities to generate a greater positive project outcome with measurable environmental and economic benefits,” says Steve Livingstone, president at GeoCentric Environmental Inc.

During operational planning and closure execution, Mr. Livingstone proposes the integration of groundwater management into the creation, preservation or enhancements of natural capital, he explains, “whether that’s by enhancing the natural capital existing on site or the introduction of new ecosystem services and biodiversity, such as wetlands and marshes, groundwater recharge systems or supplementing surface water sources, habitats and soil formations.”

New natural capital accounting (NCA) methods prove “what gets measured, gets managed,” and this can support the valuation exercise of existing and new natural assets and natural infrastructure.

Further, with the importance given to environmental, social and governance (ESG) evaluations and reporting, the holistic groundwater watershed management and integration of natural capital can directly align with corporate ESG goals, adds Mr. Livingstone. “It’s our value proposition that with NCA, mining companies have the tools to achieve greater outcomes and financial statement value well beyond the baseline reference state.”

As a data evaluation, visual aid and communication tool to help share technical information, GeoCentric Environmental offers an innovative software program for environmental and mining projects called “CSM 3D Vis,” he says. “Site professionals can now create immersive and accurate 3D conceptual site models (CSMs) of their mine operation and closure plans that show the built-out mine site fabric layouts and allow them to present ideas and concepts to team members online or as part of their reports and presentations to clients, regulators and stakeholders.”

Produced by Randall Anthony Communications with the Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada. The Globe’s Editorial Department was not involved.

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